Voluntary Disclosure (by Property Desk)

Italy has put into effect law number 186/2014 which deals with the Voluntary Disclosure of assets abroad with the possibility of reduced fines. The law follows the normative of FATCA and it will elevate the risk of verification of information exchanged between Italy and the United States.

It is a very complex procedure, whose term will expire September 30th, 2015. The people that it will effect are individuals who have financial assets in the United States, might it be through corporations or real estate, and have not disclosed their assets according to the RW model. The amount due will be determined by the length of time that the assets have been established, if assets were established more than five years ago and never declared, the cost of the Voluntary Disclosure is between 10% and 20% of the investment.


The taxpayer has to turn over to its accountant all documentation relevant to the purchase and management of the activity abroad. From such documentation, the accountant has to determine the appropriate tax levy’s and reduced sanctions that can be imposed. At which point, the documentation is turned over to the Italian Internal Revenue Service that determines whether to accept the application, if so, the procedure is finalized.


It is possible to regulate the activities held abroad via the use of an Italian corporation as a trustee by allowing the corporation to maintain the ownership and omitting such information from one’s personal tax returns. This technique, has shown a positive outcome on an individual’s privacy and on the future management of the regulated assets.


Only well informed and prepared professionals can correctly file and apply for Voluntary Disclosure. Individuals who intend to initiate the procedure must be prepared to bear a significant cost for the indispensable assistance of a professional.

By Andrea Alberghini and  Carolina Spera

Grand Opening of Segafredo in Pembroke Pines (by Segafredo Pembroke Pines)

In true Italian style, Segafredo set to open a new, largest location at Shops at Pembroke Gardens with a Grand Opening Celebration to be held on Thursday, April 9, 2015 from 6:30 – 10:00pm. A ribbon-cutting ceremony with Mayor Frank C. Ortis, the Miramar.

Pembroke Pines Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Southeast will take place at 7:00pm on the red carpet amongst the latest Ducati Motorcycles.

Once the ribbon is cut, the doors will open and festivities will begin! Sounds by Franco Music and will be accompanied by international superstar violinist Sarina Suno, will set the stage as our beautiful hostesses greet guests as they walk the red carpet. Segafredo Pembroke’s signature cocktails will be served in a production integrated with performers from NOLA -Nest of Living Arts that will continue throughout the evening.

For Lunch, Happy Hour and Evening Dining & Entertainment, the Restaurant and Bar area opens entirely to the Outdoor terrace by way of wall to wall folding storefront doors and windows.

The main floor includes a full service restaurant and bar with indoor and outdoor patio seating, making our location truly unique.  The project boasts 2000 square feet of sidewalk cafe and covered terrace seating.  An authentic Italian wood fire oven is the center piece to our main dining room, adding a special complement and flavor to some of our signature dishes.

The history of Segafredo dates back over 30 years ago to its modest beginning with the Zanetti family in Bologna, Italy. Coffee merchant, Mr. Massimo Zanetti originally founded the company. With the opening of the first Segafredo café in Paris in 1988, the brand was born. Today Segafredo Zanetti Espresso continues to grow exponentially on a global scale.

For Media Inquiries & RSVP, please contact:   brian@eventvisions.com / RSVP@eventvisions.com

In Job continues its steady growth and announces their new location in Florida (by In Job Miami)

In Job is an international staffing firm, based in Verona Italy, with Offices in Europe, Russia, Asia and the United Sates (New York City, Houston and now Miami). In Job has a team of multi-sector industry leaders combined with executive recruiters that over the years have had incredible impact on individual careers and supporting companies in their HR needs.

After great success in the United States placing high-potential, top and middle-management executives within leading organizations, In job is pleased to announce the new branch office opening in Miami Florida.

Miami is one of the cities that leads economy within the United States, hosting more than 300 international business and headquarters of major brands, linking US business with Latin America and regularly attracting new investments. Miami has become a major center of commerce, culture and entertainment in the US.

In Job is deeply aware that, over the years, Miami has been an incredible bridge for the Italian economy to the American and Latin American markets.

The main Italian industries in Florida are: Fashion & design, food and beverages, real estate and the luxury yacht industry. The “Made in Italy” concept is commonly recognized as an excellence in these fields.

In Job Strongly believes that the NEW Miami office represents a great opportunity.

Italian Style Business Breakfast at Via Emilia 9

Join us to wake up to new business contacts while enjoying authentic Cappuccino and Italian pastries!


“Via Emilia 9”

1120 15th Street, Miami Beach, FL, 33139


Friday, 20th of March | 9-10.15 am

•9.00 – 9.30: Self-introduction by each one of the participants
• 9.30 – 10.15: Speed Networking

Limited space – R.S.V.P. mandatory by March 18th
E-mail: rsvp@iaccse.com

This is an IACC Members’ only event
Seats available until received full capacity (max 30 members)
Please do not show up without a confirmed reservation

The official USA pre-launch event of the Worlds’s Fair, Milan Expo 2015

An event celebrating the United States’ support and participation in the 2015 World’s Fair to be held in Milan, Italy themed “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life” from May through October, 2015.

On March 12th the Miami-Dade College (MDC) in Downtown Miami will host a day-long forum to explore America’s relationship with the “Old World”, and how the food, health and identity of people on both sides of the Atlantic have and continue to evolve in a parallel yet inseparable process.  Shared modern day concerns faced by our society and their interrelationship with nutrition and sustainable development will guide the discussions and attempt to shed light in long-term solutions.

For members of the IACC, MDC will allow IACC Members to attend the 3 panels (2 in morning, one in the afternoon) without charge. The program and times for the panels which will be held at the Chapman Center at the Wolfson Campus Downtown. When arrive just announce that the person is a IACC member and the Conference charge is waived.

Moreover for the VIP Awards Luncheon + Conference, while price is $200. , for IACC members and a guest can purchase at a cost of $125. The VIP Awards luncheon will be open seating at Freedom Tower.

Register for the conference here: www.mdc.edu/feedingtheplanet/

Attenzione ai falsi consulenti commerciali

Negli ultimi mesi la nostra Camera di Commercio ha ricevuto diverse segnalazioni da parte di aziende Italiane truffate da falsi consulenti commerciali. I suddetti “consulenti” contattano aziende dalla Florida offrendo servizi di inserimento del loro prodotto nel mercato americano e chiedendo il pagamento anticipato di una quota intorno ai 1500-2000 Euro per un “sondaggio prodotto” o “certificazione del prodotto”.

Una volta che le aziende italiane effettuano il pagamento verso il presunto consulente commerciale americano, questo puntualmente sparisce e non risponde ne’ a email ne’ a chiamate telefoniche.

Questi truffatori di solito effettuano un lavoro di mass mailing nei confronti di aziende in Italia dei settori piu’ disparati promettendo un facile ingresso nelle grandi catene di distribuzione.

Si prega pertanto di fare molta attenzione e di diffidare di proposte ricevute da generiche agenzie di promozione commerciale che propongono il versamento di un’acconto alla ditta Italiana per testare o certificare il prodotto sul mercato prima di commercializzarli.

Finanziamenti per aziende italiane negli USA

Finanziare l’apertura di filiali negli USA ora si può!

Negli ultimi anni sono sempre di più le aziende italiane che guardano alla Florida, ed in particolare a Miami, come punto di accesso principale alle Americhe, sia per il Nord America che per l’America Latina e i Caraibi. Per molti l’apertura di una filiale commerciale in questo hub strategico non e’ più solo un’opzione ma e’ diventato quasi un obbligo al fine di presidiare efficientemente mercati in grande espansione.

Per dare risposta a questa necessità, la Camera di Commercio Italo-Americana a Miami propone alle aziende italiane interessate ad aprire nuove filiali commerciali o produttive o per il supporto di filiali già insediate un nuovo servizio di assistenza per la ricerca  per l’ottenimento di finanziamenti agevolati o a fondo perduto messi a disposizione da numerosi enti pubblici italiani ed europei a favore dell’internazionalizzazione.

Essenzialmente i finanziamenti possono essere di 5 tipi:

  • Finanziamenti agevolati al tasso 0,5% (fino ad un massimo di 3 milioni di euro)  garantiti per il 60% dallo Stato italiano per tutte le imprese italiane che decidono di aprire e/o rilanciare  strutture commerciali negli USA;
  • Finanziamenti agevolati al tasso 0,5% (40%) e a fondo perduto (60%) per le imprese lombarde che aprono produzioni o centri di assistenza negli USA fino ad un massimo del 40% del capitale sociale investito nella società americana:
  • Finanziamenti agevolati fino a 200.000 euro al tasso 0,5% garantiti fino al 60% dallo Stato Italiano per le aziende italiane che devono affrontare studi di prefattibilità per investimenti produttivi e/o commerciali e/o assistenze post vendita.
  • Finanziamenti agevolati fino a € 100.000 al tasso 0,5% garantiti fino al 60% dallo Stato Italiano, per la partecipazione a fiere come espositore,
  • Finanziamenti agevolati fino a € 300.000 al tasso dello 0,5% garantiti interamente dallo Stato per le Società per Azioni che esportano più del 38% del loro fatturato in aree extraUE e che hanno un indice di struttura compreso tra 0,80 e 2,00.

La Camera mette a disposizione dei richiedenti la possibilità di beneficiare, senza impegno, di una prima analisi di prefattibilità sul proprio profilo,  l’elenco dettagliato dei documenti da preparare e l’assistenza necessaria per la compilazione della domanda.

Indicativamente possono accedere ai finanziamenti aziende italiane, in buono stato di salute (capacità di fornire delle garanzie bancarie annuali per almeno per il 40% dell’importo del finanziamento) che abbiano un fatturato superiore ai 2,5 milioni di Euro.
In caso di valutazione positiva, l’intera istruttoria verrà seguita dal nostro partner tecnico in Italia (un’azienda specializzata con esperienza pluriennale nell’assistere aziende per la ricerca di incentivi per operare sui mercati internazionali) soggetta alla supervisione Camera.

Per ulteriori informazioni a riguardo si prega di contattare il Dr. Nevio Boccanera all’indirizzo e-mail: boccanera@iaccse.com.