IACC Annual Dinner & Pillar Awards to longstanding members

The Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Southeast invites you to attend the traditional Holiday Dinner slated to take place on Wednesday December 9th at Il Forno Ristorante (9350 N.W. 25 Street, Doral, FL 33172)

This year’s Holiday celebrations will include a spectacular Italian menu; Italian wines kindly donated by Monsieur Touton Selection and our traditional Christmas Raffle with incredible prizes (among them flight tickets kindly offered by American Airlines and Alitalia) .

Last year’s festivities attracted over 120+ guests, so don’t miss out the opportunity to gather with fellow IACC members!

Special guests of the dinner, Consul General of Italy Hon. Gloria Bellelli and Hon. Luigi Boria, Mayor of Doral.

In order to reserve your seat (cost: $80 for IACC members, $95 non members) make your payment by December 4th, 2015 either by:

Credit Card:

call 305.577.9868

Check made out and mailed to:

Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Southeast

2 South Biscayne Blvd., Suite 1880 | Miami, FL, 33131

Click here to see the invitation and the menu of the dinner!


Cosabella first outlet shop

Just in time for the Holiday shopping season Italian lingerie brand Cosabella launch its first over outlet shop in South Miami. “The Cosabella Cut Sobe” is the first ever outlet store by the brand. Customers can shop Cosabella’s colorful and classic collection at 40% off & more. Visit the “The Cosabella Cut Sobe” 7 days a week at 760 Ocean Drive on 8th st between Ocean & Collins and online a http://www.cosabella.com/en-us/outlet
Cosabella, meaning “beautiful thing,” was founded in 1983 by the Italian husband and wife team of Ugo and Valeria Campello. Designed in Miami, Florida and manufactured in Italy using the highest grade fibers to create a refined blend of American innovation and Italian artisanship.
Cosabella believes a woman’s lingerie should reflect her every mood. Each season they offer vibrant, cutting-edge colours. The company’s mantra “Freedom of Colour” is shown in their collections, which have reached cult-like status for women around the world.

IACC Trade mission to Puerto Rico

After eight months since its creation on March 3, the Puerto Ricochapter of IACC organized a trade mission from Miami on November 17-19 with the goals to explore business opportunities in Puerto Rico and to meet the members of the Puerto Rico chapter. This mission surged from the interest expressed during the seminars “Puerto Rico: US Territory with Compelling Tax Incentives” organized in Miami on June 3 and October 8″. Eight representatives from six companies joined the mission: Admaiora Foods, Astaldi Construction USA, Finizio Law, Merrill Lynch, Norman Alex Recruiting, Societa Dante Alighieri. 
The mission to Puerto Rico was part of the Expo Puerto Rico 2015 where companies from Caribbean Basin had the opportunity to assist to seminars on the economic situation and trend and to explore business opportunities within the island. The Governor of Puerto Rico, Alejandro Garcia Padilla, opened the Expo with a welcome speech. The Department of Economic Development and Commerce organized one-to-one meetings with local private and public counterparts in line with the interests of the companies participating to the trade mission from Miami.
Networking dinner at L’Osteria Restaurant in San Juan.
A presentation of the fiscal incentives in Puerto Rico was prepared tailor-made to the industries in which the participating companies operate.
Multiple social activities completed the program of the trade mission from Miami. On November 17, the participants were invited to the welcome cocktail in the historic building of Antiguo Casino in the colonial city of Old San Juan and on the following day they were invited to visit the Fortaleza, the Governor’s House, where the Governor welcome and greeted personally the participants. On November 18, the participants had the opportunity to meet the local members of the IACC in Puerto Rico during a cocktail at the restaurant Melanzana and a welcome dinner at the restaurant L’Osteria.

EU Bi-National Chamber’s Business Seminar

We are pleased to invite you to the next EU-BI National Breakfast Seminar on Thursday, December 3rd. Space is limited and the registration is mandatory. RSVP with us at rsvp@iaccse.com

Invitation EU dec3