The new partnership between the IACC and the Miami Heat is bringing you a unique event on the night of March 21.

Join us for a VIP Party in the spectacular XFINITY EAST PLAZA, followed by the match: Miami Heat vs. Phoenix Suns.
Do not miss also the opportunity to get a POST GAME THROW PASS and a special edition MIAMI HEAT-IACC T-SHIRT, included in the ticket price!
Invito Miami Heat

2017 Election for IACCSE Board of Directors – NOTICE


Dear IACCSE Member:

We, the Compliance Committee of the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce – Southeast, would like to inform you that the elections for the renewal of the Board of Directors will take place during the following weeks.

The purpose of the Compliance Committee, under the direction of the IACCSE Board, is to implement candidacy and election procedures for, and oversee, Directors elections, as provided for in the Bylaws of the IACCSE.

The IACCSE Bylaws provide for a two-year term for all eleven (11) directors of the IACCSE Board. Accordingly, the IACCSE Board has determined that the 2017 Board election will take place in April-May, 2017. The expiration of the term for the new Board will be May 2019.

The election procedure for this year 2017 election is as follows:

Step One: Members seeking a position as a Director on the IACCSE Board  MUST please complete page one (“Eligibility Information”) of the Candidate Statement (you can request the form to and return it, no later than 5:00 p.m. (EST) on April 17, 2017 VIA e-mail at (subject: Att. Compliance Committee). Statements received after the deadline are null and void. In addition, each candidate may, but shall not be required to, complete page two (the Annex “A”) describing the candidate’s qualification and objectives. The Annex A, if any, must be submitted concurrently with the Eligibility Information. Annexes A that are not submitted concurrently will not be circulated by the IACCSE. This Notice is also available on our website at  Candidates are solely responsible for ensuring that their Statement arrives timely.  E-mail early to avoid any last minute technical difficulties. Any questions must be submitted in writing and addressed to IACC, Attention: Compliance Committee (  No communication by IACC staff or any person not a member of the Compliance Committee may alter the election procedures.

To be qualified to run for the IACCSE Board, a person:

  1. must be the contact person of one or more Voting Members for more than 13 consecutive months before the elections;
  2. must be over the age of twenty-one (21) years as of the date of the mailing of this notice; and
  3. Be otherwise in good standing and in compliance with Article 4 of the Bylaws.

Step Two: The Compliance Committee will hold a meeting between April 18th and April 24th to review all timely Statements. The IACCSE Board will approve qualified candidates to run for the Board. An approval of candidacy notice will be forwarded via email to the eligible candidates shortly thereafter.  If you feel that you are qualified to contribute to the growth of the Chamber and to help the Chamber to pursue its mission to promote trade relations between Italy and United States of America, we strongly encourage you to apply.

Step Three: The Election will begin on April 25, 2017 when the official ballot with the qualified candidates (and their Statements) will be e-mailed to all Voting Members. Each Voting Member will vote online through a THIRD-PARTY secure system that ensure secrecy. Neither the IACCSE nor any candidate can access ANY voting information.  Members must vote by 5:00 p.m. (EST) on May 17, 2017.[1]

Please note that neither candidates nor members may campaign by referring to other candidates, unless the other candidate has approved such reference in writing by notifying the IACCSE.  If any candidate or member violates this rule, the candidate will automatically be disqualified and member sanctions may apply.


At the present time, we encourage all qualified candidates to please fill out all sections of the enclosed Statement

and timely return it by the above April 17th deadline.

[1].            The IACCSE reserves the right to extend this deadline for exceptional circumstances.