Business Expert Channel’s webinars for Italian companies

In the framework of the Business Expert Channel program (, the IACCSE has organized a series of webinars about the US market with the participation of our BEC experts as panelists.

The IACCSE has established a partnership with different Chambers in Italy to promote the webinars among their local companies. The confirmed appointments are the following:

On September 16th‘Stabilire una rete vendita negli USA. La contrattualistica con i distributori americani’, hosted by the Chamber of Commerce of Chieti and Pescara (Italy).

On September 23rd‘Stabilire una rete vendita negli USA. La contrattualistica con i distributori americani’, hosted by the Chamber of Commerce of Vicenza (Italy).

On September 30thIl settore della meccanica negli Stati Uniti: informazioni strategiche per l’ingresso sul mercato. Il caso del cluster italiano in Georgia, hosted by VenicePromex the Agency for International trade of the Chambers of Commerce of Venice, Rovigo, Padova, Treviso and Belluno (Italy).

For further information about the program of each webinar and the speakers, please visit