Recruitment Services

The IACC-Southeast provides professional personnel consulting for companies located in the U.S. in need of qualified, bilingual personnel.

Our recruitment service helps your company find bilingual employees. Companies requesting our services are either subsidiaries of Italian corporations or U.S. corporations with business ties to Italy.

Does your company need bilingual professionals?

We coordinate your search and pre-selection process for the most suitable professionals and executives and will support you throughout the entire selection process.

Our services include:

  • Collaboration in creating an effective job description by performing a focused analysis of the work environment
  • Pre-selection of candidates by reviewing application documents, doing potential analyses, and interviews
  • A compilation of detailed profiles on the candidates based on our pre-selection process
  • Coordination of schedules for job interviews

Basic Job Posting

Alternatively to our recruitment service, we offer you the option of posting a job description with your contact information on our website at a rate of $ 150. Inclusive is the job posting on our social networks like LinkedIn and Facebook.

What makes our recruitment service unique?

We are the primary contact for professionals and executives with work experience in both Italy and the United States. Our strong knowledge of both American and Italian cultures makes us uniquely qualified to assess our applicant’s competency and compatibility. Our candidate database together with our wide-reaching network of over 200 corporate members enables us to find the best candidates for your company in the most efficient manner.

For candidates

If you are a bilingual professional, legally resident in the USA please send us your CV (in English) at the following e-mail address:

Ricerca di Personale Locale

La vostra azienda ha bisogno di professionisti con buona conoscenza dell’italiano e dell’inglese? Coordiniamo la ricerca e preselezione per i candidati più adatti alle vostre esigenze e vi  sosterremo durante l’intero processo di selezione. I nostri servizi comprendono:

  • Collaborazione nella creazione di una descrizione dell’annuncio di lavoro seguendo gli standard americani
  • Pre-selezione dei candidati verificando i documenti della candidatura
  • Pre-filtraggio dei candidati attraverso colloqui preliminari
  • Raccolta di profili piu’ interessanti da inviare all’azienda
  •  Analisi dei salari medi per le posizioni ricercate

Per i candidati Se sei un professionista bilingue, legalmente residenti negli Stati Uniti e vuoi essere inserito nel nostro database, invia il tuo curriculum vitae (in lingua inglese) ad: