YouTruck – Tracking and Management Solution for the Transportation and Logistic segments (By YouCo)

YouCo has developed YouTruck, a powerful solution for tracking your customer’s assets on a very simple intuitive platform. YouTruck, now available for the America’s market, comes from our YouSmartWorking suite of vertical solutions, its capabilities goes beyond simply tracking cargo on a cartography platform along with RFID and GPS sensors. image001

 YouTruck can also provide a light workforce management experience, by enabling a communication platform between Driver(s) and Administration center including the following features:


  • Geo-tracking by RFID and GPS or combo.
  • Panic Button, for emergency alerts from driver and admin center.
  • Documentation Dispatch, for on-the-go work orders.
  • Stamping, for delivery and roll activities.
  • Photo for documenting delivery or mishaps capabilities.


Available for customization


  • Push to talk button for secure communications.
  • Video capabilities.
  • Integration with center’s administration platforms.
  • Branding (white label).


Our suites of solutions are of our own intellectual proprietary, thus allowing our customers the ultimate freedom in customization needs.


Independent studies concurred on the following facts:


  • Savings on paper trail and related printing costs.
  • Reduction of daily mileage by about 30%.
  • Increased productivity by 100% (doubling work hours performed on a daily basis).
  • Reduction in overtime hours.
  • Mobile technologies well documents all activities reducing HR burden and conflicts.


YouTruck and other YouSmartWorking Solutions (YouCop, YouWatchman, Cold TruckTracking, Youtransport Tracking, You LandReclamation) will make your operation more efficient translating in savings. In most cases these savings will pay off, the investment, in less than one year and in addition your customer will fell have a satisfactory customer experience, as in a few key-strokes, you can inform your customer on the exact location and status of his or hers asset status.


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