Special Events

Includes feasibility research, organization, promotion and logistic support for special events, such as seminars, presentations, etc.

Combining your activities with an event supported by the IACC is an excellent and cost-effective way of strengthening your presence in the Italian-American business community in South Florida.

We would be glad to offer you an individually tailored support-package that includes the use of our mailing list, social media tools and the involvement of our members’ network.


  • Individuazione dell’ubicazione adatta in cui poter svolgere l’evento
  • Selezione dei fornitori (catering, audio-visual, tipografia, ecc.)
  • Supporto marketing: mailing list e social media della Camera a vostra disposizione

Saremmo lieti inoltre di offrirvi un supporto su misura che includa l’uso della nostra mailing list, social media ed usufruire del network dei nostri membri. Per qualsiasi ulteriore informazione a riguardo si prega di inviare una mail a info@iacc-miami.com