“True Neapolitan Pizza” Masterclass at ‘O Munaciello | August 22, 2019

On August 22nd, 2019 the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce – in collaboration with the pizzeria ‘O Munaciello – held a Pizza Masterclass dedicated to a selected group of food bloggers from South Florida.

The Masterclass aimed at promoting the knowledge of genuine Italian products, which represent the main ingredients of authentic Neapolitan pizza.

In particular, the presentation focused on the following products:

  • Piennolo DOP cherry tomatoes
  • Extra virgin olive oil DOP from Puglia region
  • Gaeta PDO olives
  • Parmigiano Reggiano DOP
  • Prosciutto San Daniele DOP
  • Provolone Valpadana PDO
  • Prosciutto di Parma PDO
  • Pantelleria DOP capers



The Masterclass was opened by of the Chamber’s Executive Director, who presented to the audience to the main goals of “The Extraordinary Italian Taste” initiative.

This introduction was then followed by a contribution of Dr. Marissa Ciorciari (Marissa Ciorciari Integrative Nutrition), who explained in detail the benefits of following a Mediterranean diet.

The word was then given to Carmine Candito, Master Pizzaiolo at ‘O Munaciello, restaurant certified with the Italian quality seal “Marchio Ospitalita’ Italiana” that also obtained from the prestigious Gambero Rosso magazine the “3 Spicchi” (“3 slices”) recognition. This important award made ‘O Munaciello earn a spot in the Gambero Rosso’s guide of the best Italian pizzerias in the world, sharing the “3 spicchi” recognition with only 2 other pizzarias.

Chef Candito offered a thorough introduction to the different products he uses to prepare his pizzas, invited the bloggers to prepare a pizza with him and later on to taste their creations.