The Best of Italian Design – 2nd Edition | MAY 15-16, 2019

The Best of Italian Design - flyer.rev

The event is aimed to celebrate the best of Italian design and is intended to be a prestigious display for Italian brands and high-end Made in Italy products.

Miami Design District – the luxury and design hub of the city – will be the location of the 2 day-event that will take place on May 15-16, 2019. The event is addressed to Italian design companies that want to introduce their products to a wide range of local architects, interior designers, buyers and contractors. Local journalists and lifestyle bloggers will also take part in the initiative.

On the first day of the event, 4 Italian furniture showrooms located in the Miami Design District will open their doors for an exclusive synergic party to discover the Italian design innovation. Product previews will be presented by showroom managers and directors.

The night will also include a food design section, in which a contest among 4 of the top Italian chefs – one in each showroom – will take place. The 4 competitors will lead a food design demonstration to create a unique dish combining food and design.

On day two, there will be a symposium featuring 3 renowned Italian architects and furniture dealers. Round-table and speed-meetings will later facilitate the introductions between sponsors and local architects.

Companies that participate as a sponsor will have a unique opportunity to gain visibility, promote their products and approach the US market with the advantageous support of the IACC Miami.

Discover here how to become a sponsor and showcase your brand (different sponsorship packages are available):



European Chambers Networking Cocktails | Sponsorship Opportunities

EUROPEAN CHAMBERES LOGOThe Italy-America Chamber of Commerce is glad to announce that starting this year the European Chambers will open to their members the possibility to increase their visibility among all Bi-national Chambers’ Database that counts a total of 17,000+ contacts.

With the purchase of a sponsorship package, members will have the chance to station themselves at a table during the networking cocktails that host usually more than 200 local business professionals and showcase their marketing displays, tools and materials. The company’s logo will be inserted on the event’s invitation that will be sent out via email and on all European Chambers’ websites and social media platforms. This is a great way to create exposure and brand awareness for your company.

The IACC wants to make sure that its services meet the needs of its members and is why we have extended visibility opportunities for all members seeking to expand their audience.

Don’t miss the opportunity to become a sponsor at our European Networking Cocktails.

Click HERE to discover the benefits of our new sponsorship package.

Our upcoming European Networking Cocktails will be held on Thursday, November 21st.  Join us and have the chance to connect with a large group of European professionals!

IACC wishes you Happy Holidays!

The Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Southeast would like to wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
2018 has been a very successful and thrilling year for the IACC. Amongst the many networking activitiesbusiness seminars and European Chambers events, we would like to highlight a few significant ones that have made a difference to the Chamber.
To begin, this year we reached a historic record 250 active members in our 27 years of operation. In addition, we had the privilege to relocate to a beautiful new office in the heart of Brickell Ave, that is a real design jewel thanks to the donations of many companies in the field. The office was completely renovated and furnished with very own Made In Italy products. We introduced a new event format – The Authentic Italian Table Food and Wine Festival this year which resulted in a huge success and therefore, will continue organizing this initiative in the years to come. We have also retaken the tradition of the Italic Award Gala with almost 200 guests that attendedcelebrating and honoring Italian excellence in the U.S.
As we get ready to end this year, we are beginning to organize our calendar of initiatives for 2019 and will share them with all our members.
In the meantime, we would like to give a warm thanks everyone who has been a part of our tributes this year and most importantly to those who have shown their immense support
Stay tuned for the Chamber’s upcoming projects… 
For any further information you may contact us at: 
christmas-in miami

Italic Award Gala

The 2nd edition of the Italic Award Gala was a huge success. More than 200 entrepreneurs and business managers attended and celebrated with us Italian Excellence in Miami. The evening was filled with great company, spectacular food and Live Music & Entertainment.
Attendees enjoyed a spectacular 4 course dinner directly from the Menu made by Chef Andrea Marchesin from Toscana Divino with the use of authentic Italian products provided by our supporting sponsors.
During the night, we had the pleasure to recognize 4 of our with the 2018 Pillar Awards for their longstanding commitment to the chamber. 
In addition, we welcomed our new premium members to our IACC family and shared with them a plaque as a symbol of appreciation for their efforts and contributions to the Chamber. Lastly, we presented the Italic Award to the very well earned ambassadors of the Made in Italy: Ugo Colombo (CMC Group) and Peter Vittori (American Airlines).
We also had the a lounge area outside in the terrace sponsored by American Airlines where guests had the chance to have a coffee or cocktail while socializing and enjoying the live band.
Thank you to everyone for coming and being a part of this special night. And a very special thank you to all our wonderful sponsors and patrons of the event, we cherish your support:
Gold: American Airlines, Citco and The Extraordinary Italian Taste.
Silver: 7 Foods, Brickell Flatiron, Shutts & Bowen, Law offices of Ilaria Cacopardo, Man-Super!, Snaidero USA, Water Security System, Prager Metis, Robert Allen Law
Supporting Sponsors: Urbani Truffles, Veritas Wine, Acqua Panna and San Pellegrino, I’m Fil, Gra’it, Grappa of,  Bio Bio Gelato, Bufarella, La Peonia, Panarello, Espresso Made, Padilla Cigars, MPE Event Group.
You can find a picture gallery of the event on our facebook page at:

New representative office of the IACCSE in Rome, Italy

The Law Firm EXP LEGAL (, coordinated by lawyer Antonello Corrado, is the new Representative Office in the Lazio Region of Italy – America Chamber of Commerce Southeast (IACCSE).
With renowned experience in the assistance of large, small and medium-sized companies, both nationally and internationally, EXP LEGAL will be the benchmark for IACCSE and for all Italian companies in the area interested in starting business in the south-east of the USA.
Through its collaboration with the Representative Office in Rome, IACCSE intends to be even closer to companies involving their foreign development process, needs and expectations.
In 2019, with the support of economic analysts and expertsfrom the USA, thematic workshops and business meetingswill be organized in Italy with the aim of facilitating the knowledge of the US market, with a particular focus on those economic sectors of specific interest between the two countries.
IACCSE Representative Office Lazio Region – EXP LEGAL (Via di Ripetta 141 – Rome, IT, 00186)
Point of Contact: Avv. Antonello Corrado
Tel: 06 6876917

CIAO FRANCESCO! (1962 – 2018)

Oggi è un giorno triste per tutti noi alla Italy-America Chamber of Commerce.

Ieri se ne è andato, improvvisamente, il nostro amico e collaboratore Francesco Accolla. Aveva solo 56 anni.

Francesco era un uomo di profonda sensibilità.  Aveva tante passioni, dal jazz alla poesia, dall’arte contemporanea alla politica.  Amava conversare e tanti di noi lo hanno apprezzato per la sua schiettezza e per il suo garbo.

Per la nostra rivista “.it Italian Trade” è stato autore di tante belle interviste. Ha raccontato con vivacità ed acume le esperienze di manager e imprenditori che hanno portato il Made in Italy negli USA.  Senza il suo talento giornalistico non saremmo certo riusciti a rendere così ricco di contenuti il numero speciale di “.it Italian Trade”  per i 25 anni della Camera.

Francesco aveva una biblioteca con 3000 volumi, aveva avuto incarichi importanti alla Farnesina, ma si rivolgeva a chiunque con grande rispetto ed umiltà.

Era una persona sincera, che non temeva di mettersi in gioco e di condividere con gli altri i suoi progetti, ma  anche le sue debolezze, le sue inquietudini e le incertezze della sua nuova vita a Miami. Quelle che -in fondo- abbiamo avuto tutti noi, che prima di lui abbiamo lasciato il nostro paese per iniziare un nuovo percorso in questa città, tanto bella quanto difficile.

Francesco amava profondamente l’Italia e la sua cultura, ma confessava di trovarsi a disagio in un paese che si era degradato ed allontanato dalla suo modo di sentire.

A Miami si era trasferito nel 2015. Insegnava letteratura italiana all’Università.

Alla moglie Marzia e ai figli Domizia e Iacopo vanno le più sentite condoglianze di tutto il Board e dello Staff della IACCSE


New Training Program for Young Chefs

The Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Southeast is pleased to announce a new partnership with a leading specialized training and career program agency for young Chefs, that connect USA entrepreneurs in the food Industry with the best European students and professionals in the Hospitality and Culinary Industry.

Thanks to this collaboration, through the J1 Visa Program, we are able to offer support to local restaurants who would like to hire students or Chefs just graduated from renowned and certified  post-secondary culinary institutes. Alternatively, for Chefs who have at least five years of high level professional experience in Italian/European restaurants.

This could be a great experience not only for the restaurants, but also for the candidates who will have 12 months to acquire professional experience in the U.S.
The service fee is € 3.600. This includes assistance for the Visa procedures, medical insurance and candidate selection if requested.

In order to be able to benefit from the J1 Visa program the restaurant needs to be member of the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Southeast (annual membership fee is $500).

The program is offered to potential candidates already identified by the host restaurant, but it includes also the selection of the trainee without additional costs, thanks to agreements with some of the most prestigious European Culinary Schools.

For more details please contact the IACC sending an e-mail with all your contact information to


Food prep. (ITHQ)



La Camera di Commercio Italiana a Miami è lieta di presentare una nuova collaborazione con un Partner Tecnico, gestore del programma leader nella formazione e nello sviluppo professionale di giovani chef che mette in contatto gli imprenditori USA della ristorazione con studenti o professionisti europei operanti nell’ambito dell’ospitalità dell’industria culinaria.

Grazie a questa collaborazione siamo in grado di fornire, attraverso il programma J1 Visa, supporto ai ristoranti locali che desiderino assumere  studenti o Chef diplomati che provengano da una scuola culinaria post-secondaria rinomata e certificata, oppure per Chef che abbiano acquisito almeno cinque anni di esperienza dimostrabile in ristoranti Italiani/Europei.

Si tratta di un’ottima opportunità per i candidati, che avranno 12 mesi per lavorare sul mercato Americano e acquisire esperienza professionale; ma anche per i ristoranti che potranno avere a disposizione giovani promesse della cucina italiana.
Il costo per l’accesso al servizio è di € 3.600, comprensivo di gestione di tutte le pratiche, assicurazione sanitaria e selezione dei candidati, ove richiesto.

I ristoranti interessati per poter partecipare al programma J1 Visa devono essere soci della Camera di Commercio Italiana (quota associativa annuale minima di $500).

Il programma può essere offerto sia per potenziali candidati già individuati dal ristorante o può includere, senza costi aggiuntivi, la selezione dei candidati più idonei grazie agli accordi stipulati con alcune delle più prestigiose Scuole Europee di cucina.

Per maggiori informazioni si prega di contattare la Camera di Commercio includendo tutte le vostre informazioni di contatto a

Buongiorno Miami is the first user of the {Italianlab} service!


On August 31, Buongiorno Miami signed the contract as the first user of our incubator through our Italianlab, not only providing office space but also a series of business development services.

Buongiorno Miami is an Italian web portal dedicated to Miami, and it represents the perfect guide for those who want to plan a trip or who decide to move and starts a new life in the city. Their social media pages and website are written in Italian and they are updated daily with useful information and news regarding different subjects such as local reports, politics, economics, sport, fashion, lifestyle and events. Without doubt, it is very strategic for the company’s office to be located in the heart of Brickell, the most vibrant part of Miami.

The Italianlab service is directed to the Italian companies that want to start a path of internationalization in the U.S. and offers private offices and shared desks inside the Italian Chamber headquarters. The companies will also benefit from professional services aimed to support the growth of their own business such as tutoring session, business guides, introduction to local economic development organizations and introduction to local companies.

On behalf of all our members, we warmly welcome Buongiorno Miami in our business community!

A new exciting season of IACC events!


Starting with the month of September, the Chamber announces its upcoming calendar of events and networking gatherings.

We will begin with an IACC Business Luncheon starring our guest of honor, the new elected  Mayor of the City of Miami, Francis X. Suarez. The event will take place at the famous Italian Restaurant Cipriani on September 21st.

On October 3rd we will host our annual Fall Dinner Party at Vista Restaurant. Here we will be presenting the 16th edition of the Italian Film Festival “Cinema Italy.” During the event we will have the pleasure to present to our members the new Consul General of Italy in Miami, Hon. Cristiano Musillo, who will be our guest of honor of the night.

We will then continue with two events in November in occasion of the 3rd week of the Italian Cuisine In The World.

The Italian Culinary Tour will take place on November 13th. We will invite foodies, journalists and influencers to discover a path of taste during a dining itinerary in Downtown Miami.

On November 15th , we will host a seminar dedicated to the food and wine importers with officials from Customs Border Protection and the Food & Drug Administration.

Finally, we will close the year with the Italic Award Gala on December 12th, where we will be recognizing two Ambassadors who represent Italian excellence in the USA.

Of course members will still have the opportunity to attend several networking events during the upcoming months, some of them organized in collaboration with other bi-national Chambers.

Discover here our CALENDAR OF EVENTS . 


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Clicca qui per scaricare  il depliant con il dettaglio dei servizi e dei costi ItalianLab

Clicca qui per scaricare il MODULO DOMANDA DI AMMISSIONE

La Italy – America Chamber of Commerce Southeast (IACCSE) lancia un nuovo servizio per le imprese italiane che vogliono approdare in Florida. Dal 1° luglio 2018, sara’ disponibile un incubatore di impresa che permetterà alle aziende italiane di appoggiarsi alla Camera di Commercio per iniziare un percorso di internazionalizzazione negli Stati Uniti, con focus sulla Florida.

Quarta economia negli USA con un Pil di oltre 900 miliardi di dollari (dati 2016), e terzo stato più popoloso degli Stati Uniti con oltre 20 milioni di residenti (e 112 milioni di visitatori l’anno), la Florida è tra le 20 più grandi economie a livello globale ed oggi più che mai costituisce un richiamo per aziende provenienti da tutto il mondo, facendo di Miami un hub strategico fondamentale, punto di accesso principale per il mercato del Nord e Sud America.

Basti pensare che la Florida copre circa il 23,8% del totale del commercio degli Stati Uniti con l’America Latina, il 20,5% del totale degli scambi statunitensi con il Sud America, il 29,6% con l’America centrale ed il 35,6% con i Caraibi.

L’apertura di una filiale commerciale a Miami sta diventando quindi condizione sempre più essenziale ed imprescindibile per molte aziende, per presidiare in modo efficace mercati in grande espansione.

Per avere contezza dell’importanza dei rapporti commerciali tra Italia e Stati Uniti, basti pensare che solo nel quinquennio 2011 – 2016, le esportazioni italiane verso il Sunshine State sono duplicate (dati Enterprise Florida), passando da 1.070 milioni di $ a 2.200 milioni di $ e oggi l’Italia rappresenta il 13° partner commerciale della Florida.

Attraverso il nuovo servizio dell’incubatore di impresa, la IACCSE intende quindi facilitare l’inserimento delle aziende italiane nel mercato della Florida, limitandone gli ostacoli iniziali di carattere amministrativo e burocratico legati all’apertura di una filiale commerciale.

Il valore aggiunto del servizio della Camera consiste proprio nel fornire all’azienda italiana, un pacchetto di servizi che, oltre ad evitare all’impresa di incorrere nelle iniziali difficoltà burocratiche, consisterà in un’ assistenza a 360°, prevedendo sessioni di tutoring, incontri one to one con professionisti selezionati, guide informative, introduzione agli enti ed organizzazioni locali, facilitazione di contatti con imprese del territorio, e tutto questo mettendo a disposizione spazi già ammobiliati, nella forma sia di uffici privati che di postazioni condivise.

Ciò permetterà all’azienda di essere operativa fin dal primo momento, utilizzando la Camera anche come domiciliazione fiscale.

Sei gli spazi disponibili, già ammobiliati e dotati di wi-fi, con fotocopiatrice multifunzione e un’ ampia sala conferenze, in una location ubicata all’interno di un prestigioso grattacielo, sulla Brickell Avenue, nel cuore economico e finanziario di Miami.

Le tariffe sono:

  • Opzione Ufficio Ammobiliato per n. 1 persona: $ 700.00 (mensili)
  • Opzione postazione in open space: $ 350.00 (mensili)

L’impegno minimo richiesto per l’adesione all’incubatore e’ di 6 mesi.

Per ulteriori informazioni e’ possibile scrivere a  o  contattare il numero: +1.305.577.9868.