Special Celebratory issue: “The Best of Made in Italy in America”


Special Celebratory issue: 

“The Best of Made in Italy in America”

.it magazines

The Italy-America Chamber of Commerce (IACC) is pleased to announce the publication, in October 2016, of “The Best of Made in Italy in America“, a 120 pages’ magazine celebrating the best of Italian style and creativity, and its influence over the American lifestyle, featuring interviews with protagonists of economy, culture, and politics.

This .it special edition will be launched on the occasion of “The Best of Italy Gala Night“, the amazing event organized by the IACC to celebrate its 25th anniversary on Saturday, October 22nd, 2016.

The Magazine will be published in English and Italian.


3,000 copies will be printed and distributed for free throughout our network, including the Consulate General of Italy, law firms, CPA firms, restaurants and cultural associations. It will be also available for free downloading at the IACC website (more than 1,700 unique visitors per month).

Promote your business and be part of this special edition of .it magazine for the 25th anniversary of the Chamber.

Advertising spaces are available at the following rates:


Back Cover $ 3,100
Inside Front Cover $ 2,400
Inside Back Cover $ 2,000
Two Page Spread $ 2,800
Full Page $ 1,600
Half Page $ 1,000

IACC members will receive a 20% discount fee as recognition for their invaluable support to the Chamber´s mission.


SPECIAL PACKAGE:  Advertising + Gala Dinner

Non-Members: Full Page + 2 Gala Tickets $2,100 (instead of $2,400*)

IACC Members: Full Page + 2 Gala Tickets $1,800 (instead of $1,980*)

*Ticket Price: Non-Members $400 I IACC Members $350


Deadline to send artworks and payments is August 19th, 2016.


For further information please contact us at info@iaccse.com or call us at 305-577-9868

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Snaidero USA presents fine Italian kitchen design at “The Best of Italy Gala Night”

The IACCSE is proud to announce that Snaidero USA has committed a Silver sponsorship for the Gala event that will take place at the Alfred DuPont Building and on Flagler Street, Miami Downtown on October 22, 2016.

Snaidero USA has been the exclusive distributor of Snaidero products for almost 40 years, bringing Made-in-Italy modern kitchen design to the US, Canada, Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia and the Caribbean, while establishing the brand as the ultimate luxury for the ultra-affluent and design-conscious clientele.

Today, under Dario Snaidero’s guidance, Snaidero USA is the leader in North-American imports of modern European kitchens. In addition, through the new Living Collection, the company has expanded its offering of high-end Italian home furnishings to bathrooms, living rooms, dining rooms, and bedrooms.

Snaidero USA operates through a retail network of 21 corporate showrooms and exclusive dealers who are fully committed to our brands and clients. Through its multihousing division, the company is also the premier supplier of European modern kitchen cabinets for the most prestigious luxury multifamily developments throughout all of North America.

Discover more about Snaidero USA at: http://www.snaidero-usa.com/

Snaidero USA foto resize                                                      OLA 25 L.E. – Pininfarina Design



For further information about “The Best of Italy Gala Night”, please visit the event’s page:



IACCSE is proud to announce that illy has committed a Silver sponsorship the Gala event that will take place at the Alfred DuPont Building and on Flagler Street, Miami Downtown, on October 22, 2016.

illy delights millions of coffee lovers in more than 140 countries with its singular, signature blend: a rich symphony of nine pure, sustainably grown Arabica beans from four continents.

The company’s typical traits can be found in every in every bean, and in every visually striking espresso machine illy designs; in the illy collection of cups produced by art’s contemporary masters; at every “espressamente illy”, the worldwide chain of Italian-style coffee bars; and in the “Artisti del Gusto” (“Artists of Taste”) international network of leading independent cafes and skilled baristas.

Illy considers respect for the environment and people that nurture coffee a fundamental part of doing business, for this reason the company gave birth to “Universita’ del Caffe’” (“University of Coffee) in order to provide hands-on instruction at no cost to coffee growers.

Discover more about illy at: http://www.illy.com/wps/wcm/connect/en/home

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For further information about “The Best of Italy Gala Night”, please visit the event’s page:

DEA at “The Atlanta International Gift & Home Furnishing Market” and “NY Now” (BY DEA – ITALIAN LUXURY LINENS)

Dea is happy to announce its presence at two of the most important events in the Home Textile business: The Atlanta International Gift & Home Furnishing Market, that will take place in the capital of Georgia from the 14th July to the 18th July, and the NY Now, from the 21st to the 24th of August in the Big Apple.

After the successful addition of the Atlanta Market last January and with the forecast of a 50% more of visitors, we are expecting a great response this summer.  We are ready to present our new collections of bed, bath and table linens in different patterns from the fine handmade embroideries and precious laces to the most modern and unique jacquards along with stunning digital prints. We invite you to visit our booth that will be in Building 2, Floor 1, #229 in the High Design section.

We also hope to see you all in NY where we will be based in our showroom located in 230 5th Avenue – lobby 10 (not in Javits Center).  We will be glad to introduce you Dea’s luxury linens and we encourage you to feel our products in order to realize the luxury value and high-quality of our items.

For more information, do not hesitate to contact us:



We’ll meet you there!!!DEA

The IACC visited the WPLG’s Channel 10 Studios

On June 30th a delegation of IACC members took part to a guided tour of the studios of WPLG’s Channel 10 (ABC), one of the most viewed TV channels of Florida.

After the visit, during which it was possible to witness firsthand the studios’ operations, all the guests were invited to join an official roundtable luncheon with various executives of Channel 10 – among which Mayte Padron Cordones (Community Relations Director) and Kerry Weston (Assignment Desk Futures Planner) – to discuss about the current role and contribution of the Italian business community to the economic development of South Florida.

The visiting delegation was formed by various Chamber’s members. Among them some of the most important Italian investing companies such as:  Neri North America, Zonin USA, and Astaldi Construction.

The roundtable was also an opportunity to present the Chamber’s activities, in particular the upcoming

The Best of Italy Gala Night“.

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The Italy-America Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce that “The Extraordinary Italian Taste” promotional campaign will be part of the Gala event that will take place at the Alfred DuPont Building and on Flagler Street in Miami Downtown on October 22, 2016.

“The Extraordinary Italian Taste” brand was launched by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and Ministry of Agriculture with the objective of stemming the spread of Italian food products imitations through the promotion of Made in Italy and authentic Italian products and the diffusion of a greater knowledge on their specific characteristics and unique traits.

The related consumers’ awareness campaign planned in North America in 2016 and 2017 is aimed at promoting and enhancing Italian products through the diffusion of a greater knowledge on the specific characteristics and authenticity, with reference both to the places of origin and to the nutritional and certifying aspects.

In North America, the campaign is implemented by Assocamerestero in collaboration with the network of Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad present in the US, Canada and Mexico.

Project partners: the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Italian Institute for Foreign Trade (ICE) and the Italian Association of Geographical Indication Consortia (AICIG)


Find out more about “The Extraordinary Italian Taste” at: http://www.iaccse.com/2773-2/

For further information about “The Best of Italy Gala Night”, please visit the event’s page: http://www.iaccse.com/the-best-of-italy-gala-night/

Missions to connect with the Southeastern United States

The Consul General of Italy Gloria Bellelli undertook a series of diplomatic missions in the wide area covered by the Consulate General. Among the states she visited: Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and Bahamas. Jamaica and Puerto Rico are scheduled as future destinations.

During the missions Ms. Bellelli had the chance to meet up and share thoughts with members of institutions and economic promotion bodies such as the states’ governors and representatives of local Chambers of Commerce.

The Consul General warmly invites all Italian companies which may be interested in investing in these territories to contact the Consulate and to take part to these missions.

A calendar of visits for 2017 has already been planned to be arranged, with the aim of involving the highest amount of Italian companies possible and to put these in contact with the most representative institutional bodies and entrepreneurial associations of the future visited states.

The Italy-America Chamber of Commerce is fully committed to cooperate with and support the Consulate General in implementing these exploration missions.
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Shoot from the meeting in Atlanta of March 17th with Italian business leaders with the objective to explore ways to foster the cooperation between the Italian community of Georgia and the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce.

PANEL DISCUSSION: “The future of Real Estate market in South Florida” Seminar

On March 3rd, following the launch of the new .IT magazine “Real Estate Investments in South Florida for Italian Buyers”, took place a panel discussion with over than 60 attendees on the future of Real Estate market in South Florida at the Bank of America conference room in Brickell.
The seminar was focused on the changing that are currently happening in the Miami Dade County.
Nowadays, the real estate market in Miami is a hot topic and all the people and potential investors right now have a question mark about the real estate in Miami and they don’t know if they should sell or buy or just wait. In fact, big changes are happening in the city, new skyscrapers are built, revaluation of some neighborhoods, construction of new commercial center, and the real estate can big a sector with a huge mark-up if a proper investment is made as well as it could turn in a big loss of money with the wrong purchase or investment. There is not an answer if it is better buying or selling right now in Miami and often also within the same neighborhood there could be totally different prospective.
The panel discussion covered different topics, closely real estate market information as well as legal aspect associated involved in purchasing a property in Florida, and it was aimed to give an overview of all the changing in the city in order to have a complete overview before doing an investment. New and upcoming constructions and initiative in the Miami have been discussed during the seminar, such as the Skyrise Miami in Dowtown Miami, the Miami Central Station, and the Underline project that interest the part of Miami in which there is the Metromover.
The panel discussion was followed from a networking reception in which the participants had the opportunity to talk with the speakers and networking whileenjoying Italian hors-d’oeuvre and prosecco.
Special thanks to GC Global Realty, David Siddons Group, Piero Salussolia P.A., Galgano Miami and Pathman Lewis, and Finley & Bologna, International that shared with the public their precious insights.


TOURISM: Sardinia region presentation at the Seatrade 

During the 2016 edition of Seatrade Cruise Global exhibition, the Italy – America Chamber of Commerce, realized a promotion initiative to encourage and support tourism in Sardinia. For that purpose, the Chamber organized a meeting agenda between several local tour operators and a Sardinian delegation made up by representative of the Tourism Department of the Region, the Port Authority, the Chamber of Commerce and the cities of Cagliari, Olbia and Golfo Aranci.

The agenda consisted of B2B meeting during the fair with local tour operators(March, 15th  – 16th) and  visits at the offices of tour operators based in Miami(March, 17th).
Moreover the Italian delegation and 20 tour operators specialized in  European destinations, attended, on March 16th, a typical Sardinian dinner organized, at the “Sardinia” restaurant in Miami Beach, by the Chamber. During the dinner, the delegation had the opportunity to do networking and present the beauties and the touristic proposal of the Island, still not really known by the majority of the US tourists.
The promotion of the Italian destination frames a wider context of outstanding growth of the cruise industry. The sector is indeed a booming market: 2016 data forecast about 24 million passengers, revealing a substantial increase compared to the 15 million passengers registered 10 years ago or 1980’s 1.4 million passengers.
Last information given by the Cruise Line International Association outlines a constant growing industry, immune to the effects of the conjectural economic crisis. On the contrary, the sector is developing in areas once unexploited from the cruise industry.

In particular, in the Mediterranean Sea, the growth of the industry, has to face the political instability of the Northern African countries once popular destination for hordes of tourists. Sardinia can take advantage of this situation since American tourists are now more inclined to visit alternatives destinations such as European islands or Southern Italy.



MEMBERSHIP: Benefits Program 2016-2017

The Italy America Chamber of Commerce South East Is glad to inform you that

New Membership Benefits Program 2016-17 soon will be available!
We are happy to announce that this year we will once again be able to offer Discounts, and special offers available to all IACCSE members.
As we are working on creating our new Members to Members benefitspresentation for you we kindly ask you, if interested, to take part of this valuable opportunity.
The IACC encourages you to offer privileged pricing and exclusive discounts to all our Members with the goal of fostering business relationships among other members. Discounts offers must be valid from March 2016 through December 2017 without exceptions.
If interested in presenting your offer please contact:
Ms. Arianna Chingari at membership@iaccse.com with a brief description of your benefit for IACC’s Members; please keep in mind that preferential rates must be real and tangible.
Take advantage of your Membership!
Take advantage of being part of our Network!