from the consulate: Mission to Alabama

The Consul General of Italy, Hon. Gloria Bellelli will lead a mission to  theState of Alabama on Tuesday and Wednesday, 19-20 April. The visit will be comprised of a visit to the State Capitol of Montgomery, and The City and University of Auburn Alabama.


The agenda will include meeting with The Governor of Alabama, Robert Bentley, Alabama Department of Commerce international trade officials, State Department of Education officials at Montgomery, The Mayor of Montgomery, Alabama, Todd Strange, meeting with Auburn University President, Dr. Jay Gouge, at Auburn University, meeting with Auburn Mayor Bill Ham.

Alabama is a state rich of opportunities for foreign investors. If you have a particular interest in doing business with Alabama and in joining the mission please send an e-mail with your complete contact information to

FOOD: The IACC at the South Beach Wine & Food Festival

To mark the launch of “The Extraordinary Italian Taste” promotional campaign,aimed to promote authentic Italian food products in North America,  the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce  will take part with its own exhibitionbooth at the South Beach Wine and Food Festival (SBWFF).
From February 26 to 28, we will promote awareness on Italian DOP and IGP products in one of the largest and most popular culinary festival in the USA, with over 60,000 national and international visitors.
The Extraordinary Italian Taste” booth will be located in the North tent, in the Expo Village built on the sand of the beautiful Ocean Drive beach.
Visitors will not only have the opportunity to receive educational materialbut also totaste real Italian food and beverage thanks to the sponsorship of the following brands:  Campagna, Consorzio Grana Padano, Riso Acquerello,  Savini Tartufi, and Liquore Strega.
“The Extraordinary Italian Taste”, launched by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Economic Development, is a brand created with the objective of stemming the spread of Italian food products imitations as much as possible; promoting the authentic Made in Italy under one brand.
The campaign aims at promoting and enhancing Italian products through the diffusion of a greater knowledge on the specific characteristics and authenticity, with reference both to the places of origin and to the nutritional and certifying aspects..
The participation at theSBWFF is just the first of a long series of activities that will be organized by the IACC in the frame  of this campaign.Among the promotional events, In May, in Miami, will take place the “Italian Restaurants Week“. It is a week in which specific menus based on IGP – DOP products will be proposed in 10 selected restaurants. The Chamber will be in charge of coordinating a local media campaign and distributing educational material with the aim to inform and engage a significant number of customers.

More information available here:


In occasion of Seatrade Cruise Global (14th-17th March 2016), the Premier Global Event  dedicated to maritime and cruise industry that features exhibitors and attendees from around the world, IACC will assist the Chamber of Commerce of Cagliari (Sardinia-Italy) in the promotion of Sardinia as a tourist destination

The island is still an hidden gem for American tourists but it is a world class destination with beautiful beaches and turquoise water.
The IACC will organize business meetings between representatives of the Chamber of Commerce of Cagliari and the best tour operators in Floridaspecialized in Italy / Europe destinations.
The three days business program will be closed by a fine dinner featuring Sardinian food and wine for travel professionals in a well known Italian restaurants in Miami Beach.

IACC announces the date of its 25th Anniversary Gala

Save the date for a spectacular event that will celebrate the best of Made in Italy in the USA. The Italy-America Chamber of Commerce will host its 25th Anniversary Gala on Saturday, October 22nd 2016 in Miami.
It will be not only a fantastic dinner but also a prestigious display for all those companies that represent the distinction of Italian style and design.
In addition, during the night the “Made in Italy Ambassador Award” will be given to 3 internationally renowned entrepreneurs who have made a particular contribution to the spread of Italian excellence in the US market.
More details will be forthcoming.
Sponsorship opportunities range from $5,000 to $50,000. For more information, please send an e-mail to

Please note that early sponsors of the Gala will be invited to an exclusive VIP party at the American Airlines Arena suites level on April 7th, 2016 at 8.00 pm, in occasion of the basketball game “Chicago Bulls vs. Miami Heat”.

Download here the sponsorship opportunities.
Logo 25 Anni HD

Marchio Ospitalita’ Italiana 2016 – Become an ambassador of Italian cuisine!

The 2016 selection process of “Ospitalità Italiana – Ristoranti Italiani nel Mondo” is about to start. Marchio Ospitalita’ Italiana, created by Unioncamere and with the support of the Italian Government , is a seal of quality, conferred to truly Italian restaurants around the world. (

The Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Southeast (IACC) is in charge of the selection of local restaurants in the Southeast of the United States serving authentic Italian cuisine, for the certification of those eligible for the “Marchio Ospitalita’ Italiana” which is conferred only to the best and authentic Italian restaurant annually.

During the last 4 editions over 1,500 Italian restaurants have been certified all over the world by the network of the Italian Chambers. 30 of them in Florida and Puerto Rico.
Don’t miss out the opportunity to become an ambassador of real Italian food.
We are now open to receive new applications for the 2016 edition. The deadline is March 30th.

Restaurants’ owners interested in receiving this official certification from the Italian Government, should contact Mr. Andrea Paglialunga at

The award ceremony will take place at the end of May and more the 200 guests every year attend it. Generally the Consul General of Italy consign the golden plaques to the owners and chefs of the certified restaurants.



Simply Italian Great Wines

On Wednesday February 10th 2016, will take place the 6th edition of the event “Simply Italian Great Wines” (  taking place at the suggestive Freedom Tower in Downtown Miami.

This edition of Simply Italian Great Wines will be attended by almost 40 Italian exhibitors and plenty of importers, distributors, retailers, restaurants’ owners, sommeliers and journalists, making it one of the most prominent trade wine tastings in Florida.
The IACC will be present at this event bringing new buyers who will have the chance to enjoy offerings, seminars, and hundreds of labels from various Italian wineries and regions. This is a unique opportunity to taste the best wine Italy has to offer.

South Florida’s hospitality professionals (restaurants’ owners, sommeliers, wine distributors, and specialized media) can register to the event for free by February 5th sending an e-mail with their contact information (name, title, company, telephone, e-mail) to

Let us know also if you are interested in having an exhibition table and we will try to accommodate your last minute request.



A campaign has been launched in North America to promote authentic Italian food products

Italy is the European country with the largest number of DOP (Protected Designation of Origin) and IGP (Protected Geographical Indication) food products recognized by the European Union. A demonstration of the excellent quality of our products and above all of the strong bond linking the Italian foods to their territory of origin.

The EU’s system of Geographical Indications, in fact, fosters the production system and the local economy; it protects the environment, since the inextricable link with the territory of origin requires the preservation of ecosystems and biodiversity.

At the same time, thanks to the European Certification greater guarantees are given to consumers through a level of traceability and food safety standards higher than other products.

A food heritage unique in the world for breadth, variety and quality excellence that claims:

  • 275 DOP (Protected Designation of Origin), IGP (Protected Geographical Indication), STG (Traditional Speciality Guaranteed) products;
  • 523 DOCG (Controlled and Guaranteed Designation of Origin), DOC (Controlled Designation of Origin), IGT (Indication of Geographic Distinctiveness) products.

Unfortunately, every year about 54 billion Euros ($58.8 billion) are spent by consumers around the world to buy products with images and brands that evoke Italy but are not actually related to authentic Made in Italy production, a figure representing more than the double of the value of real Italian exported food products.

If we focus on North America market, the estimated damage that the so-called phenomenon of Italian Sounding causes to Italian companies reaches 27 billion Euros ($29 billion), since only a product out of ten turns out to be authentic Made in Italy.

The Extraordinary Italian Taste” brand, launched by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Economic Development, was created with the objective of stemming the spread of Italian food products imitations as much as possible; promoting the authentic Made in Italy under one brand.

The related consumers’ awareness campaign planned in North America is aimed at promoting and enhancing Italian products through the diffusion of a greater knowledge on the specific characteristics and authenticity, with reference both to the places of origin and to the nutritional and certifying aspects. The production processes and unique areas of origin that characterize Made in Italy are in fact an essential and distinctive element for the products.

In addition, the campaign is designed to encourage a better distribution of Made in Italy products already present in the area and to facilitate the entry of new ones. As a matter of fact, the difficulty in finding some products, due to a disadvantageous distribution, remains a major cause for the choice of Italian Sounding products by consumers in North America.

To achieve these objectives, the Ministry of Economic Development will draw on the expertise and work of the Italian Chambers of United States, Canada and Mexico (Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Chicago, New York, Houston, Miami, Los Angeles, Mexico City) coordinated by Assocamerestero, the Association of Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad.

Among the different initiatives, there will be Educational Tours in Italy for journalists/opinion leaders, Masterclasses for food importers designed to promote awareness of genuine goods and certification processes, and finally, B2B meetings among Italian producers and US distributors and guided tours to Italian food companies.

Besides that, there will be promotional events in the States where the Chambers work. In particular, in Florida, the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Southeast will take part with a booth at ​​the South Beach Wine and Food Festival (SBWFF), one of the largest and most popular festival in the wine and food sector, with over 60,000 visitors (February).

In May, in Miami, will take place the “Italian Restaurants Week“. It is a week in which specific menus based on IGP – DOP products will be proposed in 10 selected restaurants. The Chamber will be in charge of coordinating a local media campaign and distributing informative material with the aim to inform and engage a significant number of customers.

Finally, in July, the Chamber will have a booth at the FAND (Florida Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics) Annual Symposium, in Orlando. In addition to promoting the benefits  of authentic Italian food among the hundreds of nutritionists and dieticians attending the event there will be a break-out session with an Italian diet expert nutritionist and an Italian chef.


Click here and watch the the video realized for the promotion of “The Extraordinary Italian Taste” campaign in occasion of the South Beach Wine & Food Festival (February 26-27-28th, 2016).


The Extraordinary Italian Taste” is a project funded by the Ministry of Economic Development and implemented by Assocamerestero in collaboration with the network of Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad present in the US, Canada and Mexico.

Project partners: the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Italian Institute for Foreign Trade (ICE) and the Italian Association of Geographical Indication Consortia (AICIG).


Watch “The Extraordinary Italian Taste – US Commercial” :


Promozione Loghi




2016 will be a special year for the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Southeast (IACC) as we will celebrate, with a rich calendar of initiatives, the 25th anniversary of this fine institution.

In 1991, when the Chamber was established, the Italian community in the US Southeast was made up of a few thousand people, now there are more than 30,000 Italians living here. Entrepreneurs, researchers and managers who have greatly contributed to the advancement and prosperity of this part of the world.  In the same way, Italian products have become more and more popular and exports from Italy have growth year after year.

IACC Anniversary logo and tagline


The Chamber, has undoubtedly given its small contribution to this process. During the last 25 years, the IACC has helped hundreds of firms to access into the new market. Only in 2015, the IACC has provided information and orientation to almost 150 entrepreneurs; it has brought to different trade shows in Italy 85 US importers; it has organized business meetings for 6 delegations of Italian companies in Florida and it has promoted a dozen of local events where the main topic was Italian culture and economy.


Despite a current situation in which the public support to the Italian Chambers in the world has been dramatically reduced, the IACC has managed to successfully face the transition into a dynamic organization that drags its lifeblood from its clients and from over 200 corporate members that support it. By the way, the number members reached in 2015 represents an all-time record for our association.


We will soon announce the 2016 calendar of events that will reach its culmination in October in Miami, with a Gala that will celebrate “the Best of Italian creativity and design in the US”.

IACC Trade mission to Puerto Rico

After eight months since its creation on March 3, the Puerto Ricochapter of IACC organized a trade mission from Miami on November 17-19 with the goals to explore business opportunities in Puerto Rico and to meet the members of the Puerto Rico chapter. This mission surged from the interest expressed during the seminars “Puerto Rico: US Territory with Compelling Tax Incentives” organized in Miami on June 3 and October 8″. Eight representatives from six companies joined the mission: Admaiora Foods, Astaldi Construction USA, Finizio Law, Merrill Lynch, Norman Alex Recruiting, Societa Dante Alighieri. 
The mission to Puerto Rico was part of the Expo Puerto Rico 2015 where companies from Caribbean Basin had the opportunity to assist to seminars on the economic situation and trend and to explore business opportunities within the island. The Governor of Puerto Rico, Alejandro Garcia Padilla, opened the Expo with a welcome speech. The Department of Economic Development and Commerce organized one-to-one meetings with local private and public counterparts in line with the interests of the companies participating to the trade mission from Miami.
Networking dinner at L’Osteria Restaurant in San Juan.
A presentation of the fiscal incentives in Puerto Rico was prepared tailor-made to the industries in which the participating companies operate.
Multiple social activities completed the program of the trade mission from Miami. On November 17, the participants were invited to the welcome cocktail in the historic building of Antiguo Casino in the colonial city of Old San Juan and on the following day they were invited to visit the Fortaleza, the Governor’s House, where the Governor welcome and greeted personally the participants. On November 18, the participants had the opportunity to meet the local members of the IACC in Puerto Rico during a cocktail at the restaurant Melanzana and a welcome dinner at the restaurant L’Osteria.

IACC Announces Pillar Awards Recipients

Longstanding members of the Chamber that with their generous support and civic vision have allowed the IACC to benefit communities on both sides of the Atlantic will receive a well-deserved recognition on Wed. December 9th in occasion of the traditional IACC Holiday Dinner at Il Forno Ristorante (9380 NW 25th St, Doral, FL 33172).

The IACC Board of Directors, Consul General of Italy Hon. Gloria Bellelli and special guest Hon. Luigi Boria, Mayor of Doral will honor with the IACC Pillar Award the companies that have reached their 10th or 15th membership anniversary.

See the list of awarded IACC members here.
