O bag Miami : the store restyling


We are glad to inform you that O bag has celebrated the restyling of its store in Miami.

The store is located at 608 Lincoln Road, Miami Beach, and it is run By Ms. Escuret and Mr. Piombino.

O bag is an Italian company based in Padua, which entered the international fashion design market in 2009, creating products from innovative materials and offering worldwide made in Italy style and quality.

Several categories compose O bag portfolio, which is ideally stretchable to other products in live with brand platform.

All the products are produced with a combination of silicone and XL Extralight, which consist in waterproof materials characterized by softness, lightness and resistance. 

Costumizable handbags, shoulder bags and beach bags are the core business of the brand, and it is synonymous of bodies that can be personalized with handles, inner bags and endless accessories available in an unlimited seasonable colors nuances.

O bag offers the unique possibility to create and customize your own bag; playing and enjoying with your favorite accessories to suit any occasion, outfit or mood.

Definitely, O bag is the must have of every fashionista in Miami!
